Sunday, March 29, 2009

Spring Break

I love California! So beautiful!!!

Grandma & Deanna at the dam. It was so cold that morning... But the views were breathtaking!

We went to the Fresno was a place my cousins would take me when I was little. The kids had such a great time! Jason and Deanna were petting stingrays in the picture above. Dylan wanted nothing to do with it.

Jason hanging out in the backyard with Grandpa Cleo & Grandma Shirley.

More beautiful veiws of California.

Cousins Danny & Melissa with their beautiful babies Phoenix & Cole! We happened to be there for Phoenix's birthday! Yay! She's 3 now, and little Cole is turning 1 in a week! They are growing so fast!!!

Jason had a wonderful idea of driving down the coast on our way home. We stopped at quite a few beaches. Oh what a day! much fun!

Needless to say we were all so pooped after our trip!

Sunday, March 15, 2009


I had to share this picture. Crystal decided that while she was down here visiting she would give all her nieces and nephews $20.00 and take em to Target and let them pick out a toy......Jason and I went with her, because all of them together can be overwhelming.....let alone when they all have money and get to shop for themselves. Well Jason got a cart and they ALL jumped in! It was a crazy trip to Target!


Well my younger but taller sister came in from Colorado for the first time in 3 years!!!! We were all so excited to see her again!!!! And what a coincidence but while she is here the Arizona Renaissance would be in town (it is kinda a "Groves" family tradition). So here we all are.......
First thing we did was eat one of those huge turkey legs!!!!

These pictures make me laugh....for the first time Dylan could get on a ride all the other kids weren't able to......see in the first picture all the kids are standing in front of a sign, and you had to be short enough to walk under it without bumping it to you see the other kids weren't even close! Deanna may have been too tall for this ride when she turned 4!!!

Ahh the swan swing, the kids really love this ride! Such a simple concept and it keeps my kids so entertained.....I think Dylan would've rode it all day long!

Deanna was bouncing really high! I tried this one a couple of years ago......I was very scared so the guys running it made me bounce insanely high! Scary!!! But Deanna was fearless, although she still wasn't ready to try to flip or do anything fancier than bouncing.

Deanna looks oober excited!!!

The kids had so much fun watching some of the shows.....riding the rides....walking through the maze...twice....visiting the dungeon.....and of course everyone had their fill of those big turkey legs, chocolate covered strawberries, & steak on a stake! We all had a very awesome day!!! (Although I did miss Jason, he had to work and missed out on all the fun.)

Friday, March 13, 2009

Random Fun Moments

Jason loves this pic! Says he looks like a giant compared to everyone else...

Jason decided that since I was always wearing his shirts around the house he would try on one of mine! (He probably isn't too happy I published this photo.)

Jason and I on a typical evening....Jason playing his XBOX while I watch.

Dylan's flipping out at the park!

Deanna's music concert! She sang and danced her heart out!

.....bathtime with Dylan.......or is that "Ace Ventura Jr."?

The Zoo!!!

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Here are some of the fun pictures from our trip to the zoo. Dylan and I were so happy and excited to be invited to go with Aunt Amanda, Connor, Anderson, Kyndall & Gage! Thanks guys we had such a blast!

Monday, March 2, 2009


What a day!!!! After a horrible day at work and nothing to look forward to for the evening I get a surprise..... Apparently a couple weeks ago I had agreed to have my niece and nephews over tonight so that my Sister could go out for her birthday. Well needless to say, I had no idea what to do with them nor did I think I had the energy to do anything at all! All that changed once I got them all together. Their energy hit me and stuck. We had a blast! First we went swimming at the Verrado pool....the kids had so much fun and so did I....and Roxy surprised me by swimming in the deep end...she was all over the place, the girl was unstoppable. Then we ate an endless amount of chicken nuggets and french fries (thanks to the new fry daddy). Yum. Then it was right back outside again to play 500 (a football passing game) until it got too dark and the bats scared us away....well they scared us all the way to the park where we were swinging and running and having a great time. Then we came home and ate again..... the boys were trying to convince me they needed 5 tablespoons of sugar mixed in with their Rice Krispies....and then the real mischief began!!!! I won't even explain just see the pictures below.......

It's so much fun when the cousins can all be together and play with each other! And they really flipped my day around! Such a bad start but an amazing and fun filled evening! A fully awesome day thanks to Jacob, Deanna, Aaron Jr., Roxy, and Dylan!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Water Works

More Sunday fun! I went outside to check on Jason and Dylan (never know what those two are up to). Well I found Dylan with the hose and Jason standing by watching him spraying the car down. What else could I do? I went inside and got him some sponges and soap, plus I got Deanna involved, and let them have at it! So now Grandma's car is shiny and new again. And all this time I was paying money to have others clean the car when I have a whole crew living in my home!

Let's Go Fly A Kite

What a beautiful day it was in Verrado! Perfect for kite flying! Good thing earlier that same morning I picked up some kites. Spiderman for Dylan (they didn't have any Thomas or SpongeBob ones) and Hannah Montana for Deanna. They were a hit! Although Dylan much preferred to chase the shadows on the ground....and he was more than happy to help get them back in the sky when they fell to the ground. Jason was awesome with his making it do circles in the sky. Deanna and I were just trying to get ours high and keep it off the ground!